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Griselinia and Winter Survival: Preparing Your Plant for Cold Weather Conditions

Griselinia, otherwise known as ‘New Zealand Broadleaf’, is a common native tree in the country that has the apt nickname of ‘the hedge plant’. It is an evergreen plant which is popular amongst New Zealand gardeners due to its hardy nature and ability to thrive in many different terrains and climates.

Griselinia can survive in a variety of different climates, however it does require a certain amount of extra protection in order to survive the cold temperatures of winter in New Zealand. This article will discuss how to prepare your Griselinia for winter and ensure it survives the cold weather conditions.

Choose the Right Location

When it comes to deciding where to plant your Griselinia, it is important to choose a location that will provide the plant with some protective barriers from the cold winds and frost. Planting an evergreen close to a wall or other built structure, such as a shed, can help to deflect the cold air and provide some shelter. Trees that are planted close to the ocean can also benefit from the temperate effects of the sea air.

You should also make sure the soil is suitable for Griselinia. Opt for soils that are loose and fertile, with plenty of organic matter to help the plant absorb the nutrients it needs. Avoid areas that are prone to flooding or waterlogging, as these will leave the plant vulnerable to root rot.

Winter Pruning

Pruning is an essential part of caring for your Griselinia during winter. Pruning helps to encourage healthy growth and remove dead or diseased branches, as well as to control the size of the plant. It is also a great way to ensure the tree receives plenty of light, which is essential for photosynthesis and overall health.

If your Griselinia is evergreen, it is best to prune it lightly in the winter. Heavy pruning can leave the plant vulnerable to disease, frost damage and dieback. You should also take care when cutting back branches, as this can encourage dieback and make it more difficult for the plant to recover.


Mulching is a great way to protect your Griselinia during the winter months. Mulching keeps the soil warm and helps to retain moisture during the drier months. It also helps to suppress weed growth, which can otherwise compete with your tree for nutrients. Use an organic mulch, such as wood chips or bark, to ensure your Griselinia gets the extra protection it needs during winter.

When applying mulch, make sure you spread it out evenly, keeping it around 3 inches (7.5 cm) away from the trunk of the tree. Too much mulch can cause the tree to become waterlogged, so make sure to check the soil regularly and only add more if the top layer has been washed away or has decomposed.

Other Protection

If your Griselinia is particularly vulnerable to cold weather, you may need to provide it with a bit of extra protection. Wrapping the trunk and lower branches of the tree in burlap or another protective material can help to keep it insulated and protected from frost and wind damage.

You should also take care to water your Griselinia regularly during winter, as this will help to keep the soil warm and help the plant to absorb nutrients. Avoid over-watering, however, as this can lead to root rot and other diseases.

Key Takeaways for Protecting Your Griselinia in Winter

It is important to take extra steps to ensure your Griselinia is well protected during winter. Here are a few key takeaways to help you prepare your plant for the cold weather conditions:

  • Choose the Right Location – Plant your Griselinia in a sheltered spot away from cold winds and frost.
  • Winter Pruning – Prune your Griselinia lightly in the winter to encourage healthy growth and remove dead branches.
  • Mulching – Use an organic mulch, such as wood chips or bark, to keep the soil warm and help to retain moisture.
  • Other Protection – Provide added protection by wrapping the trunk and lower branches with burlap, and water the plant regularly.

Taking these steps will help to ensure your Griselinia survives the winter months and thrives all year long.